Cotton Farming Integrated Operation Projects
Soil improvement tackles desertification, salinization, and land degradation through methods like planting drought-resistant plants, leaching salts, and applying organic matter.
Cotton Farming Integrated Operation Projects – 1650 Acres, Yield 619% ROI!
This comprehensive Projects outlines the step-by-step operations for cotton cultivation, from land preparation to harvest, with a detailed cost breakdown and ROI calculation.
1. Land Preparation Stage
- Deep plowing (76.2 inches) to improve soil structure.
- Soil leveling using machinery for even surface.
- Weed and debris removal.
Equipment and Labor:
- 4 deep tillers, 120 HP tractors, 13.2 acres/day, 32 days total.
- 3 soil leveling machines, 19.8 acres/day, 28 days.
- 6 machine operators, $41.25/day.
- Deep plowing: $66.76/acre × 1650 acres = $110,000.
- Soil leveling: $41.72/acre × 1650 acres = $68,800.
- Labor: 6 workers × $41.25/day × 32 days = $7,920.
Total Cost for Land Preparation: $186,720.
2. Seeding Stage
- Pre-seeding fertilizer: 10 kg of diammonium phosphate per acre.
- Mechanical precision seeding to a depth of 3.86 inches.
Equipment and Labor:
- 4 seeders, 33 acres/day, 13 days total.
- 4 operators, $41.25/day.
Material Costs:
- Diammonium phosphate: 100 tons, $412.5/ton.
- Fertilizer: $41,250.
- Seeding: $16.69/acre × 1650 acres = $27,538.
- Labor: 4 workers × $41.25/day × 13 days = $2,145.
Total Cost for Seeding: $70,933.
3. Field Management Stage
- Drip irrigation with urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
- Chemical regulation with growth inhibitors.
- Integrated pest management for cotton bollworms and aphids.
Equipment and Labor:
- Drip irrigation: $166.9/acre.
- UAV sprayers: 3 drones, 49.5 acres/day.
- 6 months of pesticide and chemical treatments.
Material Costs:
- Urea: 300 tons, $343.75/ton.
- Growth inhibitors and pesticides: $66.76/acre.
- Drip irrigation: $275,385.
- Urea: $103,125.
- Chemicals: $110,000.
- Spraying: $8.35/acre × 5 times × 1650 acres = $68,800.
Total Cost for Seeding: $557,310.
4. Harvesting Stage
- Topping and leaf removal.
- Mechanical cotton harvesting.
Equipment and Labor:
- 6 harvesters, 24.75 acres/day, 12 days total.
- 20 workers, $27.5/day.
Material Costs:
- Leaf defoliant: $16.69/acre.
- Harvesting: $41.72/acre × 1650 acres = $68,800.
- Labor: 20 workers × $27.5/day × 12 days = $6,600.
- Defoliant: $16.69/acre × 1650 acres = $27,538.5.
Total Cost for Seeding: $102,938.
5. Total Investment Costs
- Land Preparation: $186,720.
- Seeding: $70,993.
- Field Management: $557,310.
- Harvesting: $102,938.
Total Cost: $917,961.
6. Revenue and ROI Calculation
- Yield: 7,284 kg/acre × 1650 acres = 12 million kg.
- Market Price: $0.55/kg.