Soil Improvement

Soil Improvement

Targeted Treatment for Desertification, Salinization, and Gobi Desertification Desertified Land

Windbreak and Sand Stabilization: Lay grass grids and sod, planting drought- and cold-resistant plants (such as seabuckthorn, goji berries, blueberries, saxaul, and lemon saltbush) outside the grids to reduce wind erosion.

Increase Organic Matter: Apply organic fertilizers, straw, and wood ash to the soil, and use slash-and-burn methods to improve soil organic content.

Salinized Land

Salt Leaching Treatment: Use freshwater irrigation and deep soil soaking, combined with leaching to remove salts.

Chemical Improvement: Apply gypsum to neutralize sodium ions and improve soil structure.

Plant Salt-Tolerant Crops: Plant salt-tolerant species, such as alkali-weed and saltbush.

Gobi Desertified Land

Soil Covering and Improvement: Use straw, plastic film, or shading nets to cover the soil surface, reducing moisture evaporation.

Irrigation: Construct water channels to introduce water and improve soil moisture content.

Soil pH Adjustment

Acidic Soil Improvement

Lime Application: Apply an appropriate amount of lime per acre to raise the pH level.

Increase Organic Fertilizer: Organic fertilizers can improve soil buffering capacity.

Alkaline Soil Improvement

Ammonium Sulfate and Sulfur Powder: Apply to lower the soil pH.

Green Manure Cropping: Plant green manure crops and incorporate them into the soil to increase organic matter.

Normal Soil Maintenance

Balanced Fertilization: Apply nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers based on soil nutrient conditions.

Crop Rotation and Fallowing: Practice crop rotation and periodic fallowing to maintain soil fertility.


Fertilizer Control: Avoid excessive use of chemical amendments to prevent secondary salinization.

Monitoring and Adjustment: Regularly monitor soil pH and nutrient levels, adjusting improvement methods as necessary.

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